Aviso legal

This website is the property of CropLife Europe, aisbl. The Legal Disclaimer, as amended by us from time to time, sets out the basis on which we allow access to our website. By accessing our website or downloading our materials you explicitly agree to be bound by and comply with the following general conditions.

The content of this website, including but not restricted to any trade mark, commercial name, domain name, logo’s, product or company names, graphic and written work, images etc.., is protected by intellectual property rights and belongs to CropLife Europe. The copying, amendment, reproduction, storage, distribution or transmission of the content of this website for any other reason than your own personal (non-commercial) use is prohibited.

Our website and its contents are provided for general information purposes only. CropLife Europe does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise in reliance on information or materials published on this website nor for any matter relating to you or any third parties accessing or using this website or its contents. 

To use most of this Website, you do not need to provide CropLife Europe with any personal data. However, we do collect personal data with your consent when you send a query through our website. Your personal data will only be used by CropLife Europe to administer the service that you have requested. When you provide personal information to CropLife Europe for any of the above reasons, we will take all necessary steps and use the best security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse and alteration. CropLife Europe will not give away or sell your personal data to third parties. In accordance with Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Belgian data protection law, users may at any time exercise their individual right to access and correct their personal data that CropLife Europe may process upon access of this website by the user. If you want to view your data, you can make a request to CropLife Europe, 9 rue Guimard, 1040 Brussels (Belgium), phone +32 2 663 15 50. Extra information on data protection can be requested from the Data Protection Commission, Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels (Belgium), phone: +32 2 213 85 40 – e-mail - website: https://www.privacycommission.be/.

The Legal Disclaimer as well as the website’s content may be updated frequently at CropLife Europe’s sole discretion, without notice or liability to you. CropLife Europe accepts no liability for any malfunctioning or temporary unavailability of its website.

The Legal Disclaimer shall be governed by Belgian law. Any dispute in relation to this website will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels, thus excluding any other instance.

If you have any questions in relation to this information please contact:

Contact details:

CropLife Europe AISBL

9 rue Guimard,

1040 Brussels (Belgium)