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Italy Relationships between science, politics and society with regard to scientific and technologic progress. From Mendel to genome editing through GMOs

Accademia dei Georgofili organizes a debate to cast some light on the GMOs issue. Speakers will show some studies about pyralis mais resistant, Crispr/cas9, Law makers in Life Science sector and relationship between science and politics. Save the date for 29th october, 2:30 PM in Florence.

29-10-2018 2018-10-29 Florence
All across Europe and in Belgium European Biotech Week 2018 It's an annual celebration of biotechnology through events and public outreach activities taking place across Europe. In 2017, the 5th edition featured over 150 initiatives involving thousands of participants in a record 19 European countries. It was also part of the second Global Biotech Week, a success story celebrated across 4 continents. 24 > 30-09-2018 2018-09-24 All across Europe and in Belgium